
  • Introduction
  • Design simply: Simple designs are easier to use and maintain. Design simple sites, emphasizing important elements and using simple structures and clean, standards-based markup.
  • Build well: The Web has properties that enable universal access. Take full advantage of these inherent properties, such as fallbacks, flexibility, and user control, to construct universally usable Web sites.
  • Favor HTML over other formats: HTML is the best format for universal usability. Provide documents in nonstandard formats, such as PDF and Flash, only as an alternative to accessible HTML.
  • Design for keyboard access: Some users navigate the Web using the keyboard only. Make sure all functional elements, such as links and forms, can be controlled and activated from the keyboard.
  • Design for transformation: Web pages adapt to the user environment and user modifications. Design pages that adapt to different conditions, such as enlarged text or different window widths, while keeping their design integrity.
  • Allow users to control their environment: Web users have control over many aspects of their environment. Do not take control of aspects of the user interface, such as text size and link underlines, that belong in the domain of the user.